This year we have received quite a few concerned calls in Stafford and surrounding areas in regards to burl.
A burl is caused by a large collection of tree cells in which they are called callus tissue. Burls are usually caused by a tree being damaged at one point in time by a disease, fungi, storm damage or even a pruning cut.
Although burls grow into weird shapes and sizes on trees that otherwise look normal, a burl itself is not diseased or contagious and cannot cause harm to a tree.
It is not a good idea to remove a burl from a tree that is alive and healthy, if you do you will possibly be left with a dead tree.
Because a burl stores the same genetics as the tree, if the tree was to fall it would be able to clone the species of tree and begin to possibly sprout and regrow.
We offer FREE estimates! If you are interested in having proper tree work performed, feel free to give us a call to get on schedule! (540) 720-8733 –